
How do I get around the Park by public transport?

Whether by train, bus or shuttle, the Park offers many alternatives for getting around without a car, in winter and summer alike.

For more information, visit https://www.fluo.eu/fr

Forest regulation

Am I allowed to make fire?

The regulation is based on the forestry code. Thus, it is forbidden all year round for any person other than the owner of the land to carry or light a fire on the ground on this land and up to a distance of 200 meters from the woods and forests.

The use of a stove or a portable fireplace is however tolerated. Within the protected natural areas it is strictly forbidden to make fire.

Global regulation

Can I hike with my pet?

The regulations are based on the rural code and the forestry code. In general, the roaming of domestic animals is forbidden, so a dog must remain within range of a voice or any sound instrument allowing it to be recalled and “within sight”, i.e. less than 100 meters from its owner or the person responsible for it.

Moreover, walking without a leash in forest areas is prohibited outside of the forest paths between April 15 and June 30 (wildlife reproduction period). Indeed, dogs running loose can cause wildlife to flee and compromise the nesting of ground-nesting birds.

The mayors of the municipalities can also take measures to prevent domestic animals from roaming. Please refer to the municipal by-laws of the municipalities for which you wish to learn about the regulations. Within the protected natural areas, the regulations concerning the presence of dogs in the different protected natural areas of the Park vary according to the sites. You can find the regulations for each site HERE.

The regulations are also presented on the reception panels of the different sites. Please note that the presence of dogs, even when kept on a leash, is forbidden in certain protected natural areas.

Where can I camp or bivouac in the park?

Bivouacking and sleeping under the stars are tolerated outside of private property or with the owner’s permission. There is no limit to the number of people or tents per bivouac site. However, this must be done in accordance with good practices in the natural environment. However, it is recommended to contact the municipalities to find out if there are any municipal by-laws prohibiting this practice.

Within the Park’s protected natural areas, camping in tents, vehicles or any other shelters is prohibited.

The regulations concerning the different protected natural areas of the park can be consulted HERE.

Picking regulation

What are the rules for picking blueberries?

Harvesting is a traditional practice in the massif. It is regulated and comes under the right of ownership (authorization of picking).

The Prefects at the level of the departments can specify the picking so that it remains reasoned. In the Ardennes the use of the comb is not authorized.

In some protected areas, in order to maintain the quietness of the wild fauna, picking can be forbidden and any offender is liable to a fine.

Quietness areas

Are the quiet zones marked on the ground?

Unlike the protected natural areas, the Quietude zones are not yet marked on the ground. They can only be consulted on the Quiétude attitude map portal.

However, in the medium term, it is planned to put up signs in the most sensitive areas.

How were they delineated?

The Park territory is partly covered by regulated natural sites. Access to these sites is prohibited or limited depending on the time of year. The existing regulations serve as a basis for defining quiet zones.

At the same time, there are partnerships with the trail, mountain bike, paragliding and climbing associations in the area for the implementation of a practice respectful of natural sites. This has resulted in the creation of permanent trails or the drafting of agreements for the practice of these activities.

On the basis of these two elements, the quiet zones have been created from :

  • Sectors with existing regulations (Prefectoral decree and municipal decrees, RNR and NNR, Biological Reserves, Natura 2000 sites in SCA),
  • Sectors protected within the framework of other projects (Natura 2000 contracts, ageing and senescence islands in public forests),
  • Sensitive sectors (wetlands identified during the survey).

Regulation in lake and river environments

Where can I swim?

The Park has artificial lakes for industrial use and more natural bodies of water. The regulations differ according to the sites and are posted on site or are available from the commune concerned. Bathing is authorized on the sites developed as a leisure base available on the site www.ardennes.com.

The Park also has several rivers, including the Meuse, a major river, but also the Sormonne, the Semoy and a good number of streams and brooks. Swimming is strictly forbidden in the Meuse and several other rivers. Please inquire with the concerned municipalities before swimming!

Sports practices in the Park

Where can I ride my motorcycle, quad or 4×4?

In the forest, any motorized vehicle, except for a derogation, is forbidden (forestry code).

To avoid unpleasant surprises, we advise you to stay on the rural roads, communal roads and departmental roads. Moreover, it is possible that some rural roads are closed to traffic. Ask at the town hall before leaving.

Where can I go paragliding?

The Nature Park includes 8 free flight sites in Joigny-sur-Meuse, Monthermé, Laifour, Revin, Fumay, Haulmé and Nohan. These sites can host protected species. Refer to the Quiétude attitude website to check if they are open. A sign on the spot (departure or arrival) will also warn you of their possible closure.

More infos

Where can I go climbing?

The Natural Park includes 4 climbing spots spread over 3 sites:

  • The Roc la Tour – 49.890822, 4.783929
  • Les Corpias Haut et Bas – 49.877973, 4.784231
  • La Roche au Corbeau – 49.91359, 4.83841
  • Divers-Monts – 49.99393, 4.69384

These rocky environments can host protected species. Refer to the Quiétude attitude website to check if they are open. A sign on the spot will also warn you of their possible closure.

Where can I go trail running?

In addition to the annual competitions, the Nature Park offers 13 permanent trail routes.

More information available at: https://tracedetrail.fr/fr/ardenne

Where can I ride my mountain bike?

The Nature Park offers a large number of marked mountain bike routes of all levels, mainly included in the VTT-FFC area n°136 Vallées de Meuse et de Semoy

More information is available on the Park’s website: Marked mountain bike routes

There are no specific regulations for mountain biking in the entire Park. Nevertheless, some sensitive sites can benefit from a regulatory protection that sets the conditions of access and circulation of mountain bikes. This is notably the case on the protected natural areas, where the regulations are available on the Quiétude attitude website.

Information on hiking routes / access / permits

The GR® and their variants are shown on the IGN Top 25 maps (available in paper and digital format). They are completed by a dense local network. This network of itineraries can be consulted on the Quiétude attitude website. Each tourist office provides suggestions for walks and hikes in the form of cards or booklets available on their website or at reception points.

The Park has also published a topoguide of 24 walks available at the “noires terres” publishing house and in the territory (tourist offices, park house…)

Can we hike in the Park all year round?

On the territory of the Park, it is possible to hike all year round. The Park offers a multitude of marked itineraries, for all types of sporting levels.

Within the protected natural areas, some portions of marked trails may be closed for safety reasons and to protect the wildlife. The location of these sections and the dates of closure are available HERE.

Along the 1,000 km of marked hiking trails in the Park, the markings change regularly. Take a map before you leave and study your itinerary so that you can complete your hike without difficulty. Before leaving, and especially during the hunting season, remember to consult the calendar of hunting dates.

Waste in the natural environment

What to do with my waste?

In all places, the deposit of waste is prohibited and regulated. Garbage cans are at your disposal in some parking lots. If there are no garbage cans, take your waste home and dispose of it.